Polman, Påhlman, von Pohlmann family
The Dedicated Innovator Johan Magnus Påhlman was not merely satisfied with a legacy, and made attempts to amplify and improve his father’s efforts throughout his career. John Magnus Ottosson Påhlman was the youngest of four children of Otto Magnus Påhlman…
The Committed Educator Otto Ottosson Påhlman advanced his father’s legacy and writing method, successfully establishing an institute in Copenhagen. The third child and eldest son of Otto Magnus Påhlman and his wife Amalia, Otto Ottosson (also known as Gösta) was…
The Earnest Egalitarian Otto Fredrik Påhlman’s determination to stand up for what was right and question the existing order earned him more than a few adversaries among the Swedish elite. Otto Fredrik Påhlman was a decorated military officer and political…
Woman of Fire Her many impassioned letters to both the church and the state indicate that Margareta Silfversparre refused to put up with unjust 17th century Swedish norms. Margareta Silfversparre was the daughter of major Per Silfversparre (No. 99) and Magdalena von…
The Decorated Veteran Johan Magnus Påhlman had a long and illustrious career in the Swedish military, and was awarded the Royal Order of the Sword in 1779. Johan Magnus Påhlman was born at Ugglansryd on 15 October 1741, the eighth…
The Steady Lieutenant He served under Count Douglas, was knighted by Queen Kristina, and captured in Denmark – Gustaf Påhlman’s ascent to first lieutenant was consistent yet eventful. Gustaf Polman (knighted Påhlman) was born in 17th century Sweden to Captain Jöran Polman and his wife…
Mistress of Ugglansryd An alliance with the Lilliesparres brought a beautiful Ryssby manor – with which Christina was intimately acquainted – into the Polman family’s history. Christina Lilliesparre was born in the late 16th or early 17th century to Olof…