Polmanarkivet - Letter Georg Polman to Oxenstierna undated
Jürgen Polman’s letter to Axel Oxensterina
Letter written by Georg Polman (Jürgen Polman), a Livonian officer in Swedish service, to Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna af Södemöre (b. 1583 d. 1654) in the 17th century. Letter part of the collection of the letters and applications of princes, officials and individuals at Riksarkivet.
Sender: Polman, Georg
Livonian officer in Swedish service.
Recipient: Oxenstierna af Södemöre, Axel b. 1583 d. 1654
Count, Chancellor.
Note: The application for assistance to be maintained if a grant is obtained.
Archive: The Oxenstier collection. Axel Oxenstierna of Södermöre.
Volume: E 690
Created by: Riksarkivet