Polman, Påhlman, von Pohlmann family
All signs point to Christina Elisabet Renner being mature beyond her years, becoming a bride and mistress of Ugglansryd manor at the age of 18.
Christina Elisabet Renner was the first child in the short-lived but eventful marriage of Maria Stråle of Ekna and Anders Otto Renner. She was born in 1712 – her parents were married around the same year – and had two siblings, Olof Magnus (b. 1712) and Catherine Beata (b. 1714).1“Renner”, Adelsvapen-Wiki, https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Renner#TAB_2, accessed: 29 May 2023
Anders Otto Renner was master of the horse at the Southern Scanian Cavalry Regiment. On 14 July 1714, he was killed during a quarrel with lieutenant Justus Weijer in Glimåkra, Kristianstad. Christina was two years old.
After another quarrel, they both fought with the swords. Finally, Weijer took the pistol and tightened the cock with his thumb and shot Renner in the left shoulder.
“After the meal, they went out together to continue the inspection of the equipment. Renner had then become angry and they quarrelled. […] After another quarrel, they both fought with the swords. Finally, Weijer took the pistol and tightened the cock with his thumb and shot Renner in the left shoulder. Renner died later and the body was carried to Hittarp. In 1980, a new cross was erected at the site of the duel in Hittarp’s forest.”2Skriftserie Volume 31, (Hässleholm: Västra Göinge Hembygdsförenings), 1983
In 1723, when Christina was 11, her mother Maria married Magnus Ulfsax, a major in the Kronoberg regiment who had just returned to Sweden after being exiled to Siberia in 1709 during the Battle of Poltava. Through this marriage, Magnus received the farm Ekna, which Maria had inherited from her family.3“Ulfsax nr 107”, Adelsvapen-Wiki, https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Ulfsax_nr_107, accessed: 29 May 2023 Christina probably lived there until her own marriage. Between 1724 and 1729, Magnus and Maria had two sons and two daughters – Anders Magnus (1724-1795), Estrid Margareta (died aged 4 or 5 years old), Carl Gustaf (1728-1797) and Christina Magdalena (1729-1793). Christina may have helped care for her much younger half-siblings.
At the age of 18, in 1730, Christina married 51-year-old major Carl Gustaf Påhlman, who had also served in her stepfather’s regiment and had been exiled for the same duration. The marriage took place at the manor Väraboda, then owned by Påhlman. The couple then moved to the manor Ugglansryd, also in Ryssby and owned by the Påhlman family. Here, the couple had ten children between 1731 and 1745. The children’s names were, in order of birth, Margareta Christina (1731-1758), Maria Magdalena (1733-1808), Johan Georg (1734-1734), Catharina Elisabet (1736-1789), Carl Gustaf (1738-1811), Hedvig Ulrika (1739-1801), Anders Otto (1740-1815), Johan Magnus (1741-1797), Adolf Fredrik (1743-1825), and Lovisa Ulrika (1745-1749).4“Påhlman nr 501”, Adelsvapen-Wiki, https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Påhlman_nr_501, accessed: 17 March 2022
In 1740, Carl Gustaf was promoted to lieutenant colonel. A portrait of Christina painted during this time still survives in the collection of Kulturparken Småland AB. The oil on canvas painting depicts her wearing an ochre gown trimmed with lace, a white linen cap with lace, a beaded necklace and several rings, and draped in a light white scarf.
A year later, Christina’s stepfather Magnus died at Ekna. The property was then likely returned to Maria, who died at Ekna in 1766; following this, Ekna passed out of the family.5“Ståle af Ekna nr 87”, Adelsvapen-Wiki, https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Stråle_af_Ekna_nr_87, accessed: 29 May 2023 Ugglansryd, meanwhile, witnessed three weddings – those of Christina’s three eldest daughters6Margareta Christina married in 1749, and Maria Magdalena and Catharina Elisabeth had a double wedding in 1755 – and a funeral. Carl Gustaf died there on 4 March 1757 of a stroke and was buried in the family grave.
Hedvig Ulrika Påhlman inherited Väraboda from her father in 1757, and owned it until 1783.7Göran Ulväng, Databasen Sveriges Herrgårdar, www.svenska herrgårdar.se, accessed: 19 May 2023 Christina probably lived there with her daughter for her remaining years, and died at Väraboda on 18 February 1769 from a “flu fever”.